Happy Wife, Happy Life.

Create a life you are happiest in by creating happiness within yourself.

Faith, Family, Lifestyle Christine Martinovich Faith, Family, Lifestyle Christine Martinovich

Lent for the Littles

Children under the age of 14 are considered exempt from the Christian tradition. But that doesn't mean we can't include them. Shouldn't we put a little more into showing them the deeper meaning of this time? How will you involve your little ones in the season of Lent?

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Faith, Family, Lifestyle, Parenthood Christine Martinovich Faith, Family, Lifestyle, Parenthood Christine Martinovich

Mother’s Day Interview: My Mother at My Age

On this Mother's Day, in order to appreciate what my mother has done for me, I want to understand where she came from when she was my age. To do this, I interviewed my mom about what life was like as a mother in her 30s and found that mothering does not need to be nearly as hard as we all make it on ourselves. It all comes down to one simple act of love.

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Marriage, Faith, Lifestyle, Love Christine Martinovich Marriage, Faith, Lifestyle, Love Christine Martinovich

5 Qualities to Pray for in Your Marriage

A couple who prays together stays together! Marriage will be messy at times. Instead of giving into anger, turn to prayer.  Whenever you feel close to one another, turn to prayer. Whatever the reason, just pray. Outlined here is what I consider to be the top five qualities you want to pray for to strengthen your marriage. 

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